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Saturday, 15 December 2012

CyberGhost Vpn Full Version Free Download

Why surf anonymously?
Everyone is curious by nature. Everyone likes gossiping about others and swapping news. But no one would really like to be secretly spied on. That's why we close doors whenever we want to be left undisturbed or chat on the phone with friends without anyone listening in.

There is little privacy on the Internet. Website operators would like to know what you're interested in. Businesses want to know what you're up to on the Internet. Public authorities, secret services etc. want to know as much as they can about their citizens. It's time for you to protect yourself and your privacy!

Would you like to be told by your bank some time in the future: ”Your Internet transactions are subject to a credit limit.“? You are fully entitled to decide yourself to whom you wish to provide which information about yourself and your actions.

You leave behind a load of trails when you surf on the Internet, but not only on your PC. Each access provider knows exactly when you visited which websites. Many websites save your address and the details of what you looked at.

However, you certainly wouldn't like it if your neighbour knew which magazines you read and what you buy and where.

Never forget: your computer's unique IP address can provide such details as your name, address, age, telephone number and more.

What information do we leave behind?
Any time anyone visits a web server, they always unwittingly leave behind their IP address as an indication of their visit. It is also specified exactly in the server logs which content was transferred to this IP address, which content was downloaded and where on the website which link was clicked. The website is also often informed as to where you have come from.

CyberGhost VPN at your service!
CyberGhost is an important tool for protecting your privacy. CyberGhost VPN replaces the externally visible IP address, which users have received from their provider when they dial up to connect to the Internet, with a CyberGhost VPN IP address. The CyberGhost user shares this IP address with a number of other users. This procedure ensures that the CyberGhost VPN IP address should not be assigned to one particular CyberGhost VPN user.

Communication between the CyberGhost VPN user's computer and the anonymization servers is also particularly well protected to prevent any eavesdropping on data transfers. This protection is set up in 2 steps when establishing the connection. 1024-bit SSL encryption is used when establishing the connection. In this case, a 128-bit AES key is negotiated, which is unique for each connection. The actual communication takes place via this AES key.

Easy to use
The procedure involved sounds very complicated, but we have actually made it very simple. Take the following few steps to make yourself anonymous:

Download and install the software
Start the software
Create an account if you are using the software for the first time
Log in to the CyberGhost VPN system
Connect to the service you want
DONE... you're now surfing anonymously.

System Requirments :

Processor= 733MHz
RAM= 256MB
Graphics= 32MB


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